When DC Comics pokes fun at Marvel: The funniest moments you might have missed
In the comics universe, the boundaries between realities are as thin as the pages they contain. In this amazing mirror game, DC Comics does not hesitate to look at its eternal rival Marvel, which gives us a joke and a wink that is unknown to many.
Unconditional hero
Formerly known as Justice League, Gold and Blue Beetle have a conversation that is pure gold. Discussing Blue Beetle’s heart condition, Booster dismisses the idea that a superhero could have a medical condition, referring to the Man in Armor in the comics. Yes, iron man and his weak heart, but in the amazing view, in the real world, heroes do not have such weaknesses.
Peter Parker, occasional photographer in Gotham
Today brings us an unlikely scene from Batman’s adventures with Eclipso and Queen Bee: Batman punishes Queen Bee with corporal punishment, while a photographer captures the moment with a suspicious Peter Parker lookalike. It’s a reflection of a different time when even the act of taking a photo was an inside joke.
The Bottom Five Vs the Marvel Universe
In their battle against an alien invasion, the Under Fives encounter parodies of Spider-Man, Namor, and the Fantastic Four. This clash of ragtag heroes is a window into the comic rivalry between DC and Marvel, with parody as a weapon.
Jealousy of Batman and Spider-Man
Here, Batman performs aerial stunts, but what’s funny is his suggestion to do so before a certain Peter-come-lately, referring to Spider-Man. Who knew Batman would be the envy of Marvel’s superhero show?
Chameleon Boy and the Comic Book Act
Chameleon Boy quickly makes it clear that his ability to use webs during combat is not a “certain web character” cheat. Here, DC gives a nod to Spider-Man, letting fans know that in the world of comics, ideas run free.

Mr. Nebula and Cosmic Fashion
The arrival of Mr. Nebula and his herald Scarlet Skier is a clear example of Galactus and Marvel’s Silver Surfer. But instead of feeding the planets, Mr. Nebula wants to decorate them with… debatable taste. A style game where DC isn’t afraid to poke fun at the biggest Marvel icons.
Bart Allen, comic book fan
Trapped in the multiverse, Bart Allen suggests using a jeweled orange glove to escape, clearly referencing Marvel’s Infinity Gauntlet. Here, DC subtly reminds us that the characters are also comic book fans.
Robin and Photography: Separate Businesses
After catching some criminals, Robin rejects the idea of making money by photographing their adventures, which is similar to Peter Parker’s work at Marvel. The duality of heroes and their secret identities.
Slade Wilson and Prankster exchange
In this comic, the anti-matter Deathstroke is a comic version of Marvel’s Deadpool. DC plays a more whimsical and funnier version of himself, leading the slide with the idea of an anti-hero.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: The Villain of Two Universes
Mister Mxyzptlk, playing between universes, transforms into The Impossible, a Fantastic Four villain. This comic represents the latest crossover between Superman and the Marvel team, with Mxyzptlk wreaking havoc on both worlds.

These matches and references are reminders that, even in competition, there is room for humor and fun. They are passages that enrich the reader’s experience and sometimes require careful observation. In the world of comedy, boundaries are as porous as imagination allows, and these moments are proof of that.