Home Cinema 10 episodes of perfect friends that are impeccable from start to finish

10 episodes of perfect friends that are impeccable from start to finish

10 episodes of perfect friends that are impeccable from start to finish

Friends is considered one of the largest sitcoms of all time. The six main characters have been so anchored in pop culture that their lasting heritage continues even beyond the series itself. Its influence can be seen in many television shows today, as Friends is a practically flawless show with many impeccable episodes.

There are hundreds of great examples of perfect or hilarious moments, but Friends“The biggest achievement was the number of impeccable episodes that the series had created.


The one with the late Thanksgiving

Season 10, episode 8

Fans have got to know and love every episode of Thanksgiving Friends Product, and “The One With The Late Thanksgiving” is one of the best. Phoebe pushes Monica to make a larger and best thanksgiving dinner for all his friends. However, Ross and Joey decide to go to a hockey match that lasts a long time, and Rachel and Phoebe take Bébé Emma in a beauty contest. Of course, the two pairs are late for dinner, and Monica and Chandler locked their friends from the apartment in principle.

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Friends have become a beloved sitcom which has only a handful of similar shows that also deserve to check.

Not only is this episode such a great story, but there are also several classic moments that fans have appreciated, from the frantic cuisine of Monica and the preparation for friends who debate what to do outside. The best moment of this episode is when Joey sticks his head through the slot of the chained door and is stuck, requiring a lot of turkey fat. Finally, friends forgive themselves, and they finish the final Friends Thanksgiving episode with dinner.


The one with birth

Season 1, episode 23

Joey, Monica and Ross with Ben in Friends-1
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

The main scenario of the first season of Friends Covered Ross dealing with his feelings for Rachel, as well as to face his recent divorce from his ex-pregnant, Carol, who had just started a relationship with another woman. In the previous episode, Carol comes in work, and this episode, “the one with birth”, sees all friends going to the hospital and preparing for the new baby.

This episode considerably develops the relationship of Ross and Susan as co-parents. The only way they manage to see what each of them feels about this major change of life is to be locked in a closet with a singing phoebe. Other stories include Rachel fall for a beautiful doctor, Monica struggling with wanting to be a mother and Joey stands like the father of a woman who also crosses work. “The one with birth” saw the introduction of the character ben, and that brought friends together because of this.


The one with Unagi

Season 6, episode 17

Ross makes his unat sign to friends.
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

It is difficult for fans to forget “the one with Unagi” only because of the hilarity that follows between Ross, Rachel and Phoebe. The episode has three stories at the same time. We see Joey trying to rely on a little money claiming that he is a twin for a clinical study, another sees Monica and chandle trying to make gifts from Valentine’s Day on Valentin, and the final has the other friends who are launching within itself -Arc Refense.

‘It’s really moving’: David Schwimmer on what makes friends so significant after more than 30 years

David Schwimmer is thinking about what friends mean for fans 30 years later.

Ross is obsessed with the idea of ​​Unagi, which is a type of self -defense which implies a total consciousness. His passion for art is so boring for Rachel and Phoebe, who just want to acquire self -defense skills, whether they send him back to Ross’ face through hilarious scenes. Throughout the episode, the three try to surprise and frighten others with the erroneous art of the URE Nagi. Each scenario reaches its brand, making this episode one of the most entertaining effortlessness of the series.


The one where the stripper cries

Season 10, episode 11

Danny Devito in the one where the episode of friends cries friends
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

“The one where the screaming stripper” has a lot of hilarious and classic moments Friends Fans have got to know and love, but the most recalled moment of the whole episode, perhaps even the whole season, is Danny Devito as stripper. For Phoebe’s Bachelorette party, while she is married to Pseudo-New Eadr Mike, played by Paul Rudd, Rachel and Monica invite a stripper. Unfortunately, they did not want to order the “goodbody” of Danny Devito, which many had to be the total opposite of a typical stripper.

Ross and Chandler go to their academic reunion, Joey becomes a hilarious star guest on The pyramid The television game and yet the story of Stripo by Danny Devito is still loud in the minds of the public. It’s just a perfect perfect idea for the last season of Friends. As one of the biggest guest stars that the series has ever seen, Danny Devito appears in what many consider a flawless episode.


The one with the red sweater

Season 8, episode 2

The one with the red sweater of friends with Joey
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

There are two major stories that combine to make the incredible episode, it is “the one with the red sweater”. First of all, Chandler realizes that he lost the disposable cameras of his marriage and Monica, so that he and Ross try to recreate the photos during the event of another person. On the other hand, the fascinating Cliffhanger of Rachel continues as she begins to tell the father of her child that she is pregnant.

“The one with the red sweater” was produced by the actor of Ross, David Schwimmer, who is a perfect episode for him. He revealed that Rachel’s father also left a red sweater by day, and Ross turns out that the sweater is his without knowing what it means. Fans have never heard the public in the studio shout and encourage Friends Twist reveal. Not only were fans of the show obtained everything they wanted from a Ross and Rachel relationship, but also Joey’s button on the scene has become a pop-cultural basic food.


The one with rumor

Season 8, episode 9

Brad Pitt like Will and Ross with friends.
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

“The one with the rumor” is an impeccable Friends episode, and is considered the best of Friends“Lots of Thanksgiving episodes. This is particularly known for its major appearance as a guest star of Brad Pitt, playing Will, playing Ross and Monica de Monica. Rachel takes for a moment at Will, but Will houses the same resentment for her as he and Ross had when he was a child. During family dinner, Will reveals that he and Ross launched a nasty rumor on Rachel in their high school.

Meanwhile, Joey takes up the personal challenge of eating an entire turkey, which he can barely descend. The rest of the episode consists of bickering, jokes and hilarious moments involving the guest star.


The one with the embryos

Season 4, episode 12

The one with friends' embryos
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

In another perfect example of an impeccable Friends The episode, “The one with the embryos”, Phoebe awaits anxiously to see if his pregnancy test returns positive for his brother’s baby. While it fights with this, the rest of the group of friends becomes competitive on which knows their group better. Soon, a bet begins. If Monica and Rachel win, they have to get rid of their boring roosters, but if Joey and Chandler win, they get the girls’ apartment.

The secret skills of this actor gave him a key role on friends (and fans loved him)

There are many secondary characters that fans love friends, but one of the best, fortunately, has obtained his work thanks to a useful skill.

Ross sets up an exciting trivia game, which brings groups to the edge. In the last moments of the game, Rachel and Monica lose, and Joey and Chandler triumphantly claim their new apartment. And to make things all the more perfect, Phoebe learns that she is actually pregnant. It is a sweet end that ceiling a perfect episode.


The one where everyone discovers

Season 5, episode 14

The one where everyone discovers
Image via Warner Bros. TV.

As the title suggests, “the one where everyone discovers it” sees the whole group of friends discover the secret relationship of Monica and Chandler. Joey had known for some time and had trouble keeping silent things, but Rachel and Phoebe discovered during the tour of the new Ross apartment on the other side of the street. Joey means to Ross and everyone that the secret has come out, but Rachel and Phoebe want to play with Chandler and Monica by making them think that Phoebe is to Chandler.

It is a hilarious idea, especially since Ross is aimlessly in the context of this story for the majority of the episode. Phoebe pretends to come on Chandler and, predicting that she knows something, Monica pretended to pretend to come on her. The two play an uncomfortable romantic chicken game until Chandler breaks and declares his love for Monica. It’s a soft moment, shared with all friends, and the episode ends with Ross who discovers the same way as Rachel and Phoebe.


The one with the video band

Season 8, episode 4

Following the breathtaking events of Rachel’s pregnancy, and now that everyone knows that Ross is the father, “the one with the video band”, read exactly who came to know who is first. Rachel maintains that Ross came to her, and Ross naturally says the opposite. Fortunately, Joey accidentally left his camera recording, and they can all look back to see who came exactly to whom.

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There are many characters from emblematic sitcom, and among these, more than a few viewers know it without even seeing the show.

It should be mentioned that there is another scenario where Monica and Chandler are offended when the couple they met during their honeymoon gives them a false number to “stay in touch”. This intrigue is just as hilarious, but the accent is put on Ross and Rachel. It is difficult to describe how much the program is perfectly written, but a good example is in the scene where friends all watch the band. The jokes and the gags come back unexpectedly, the plot is increased, the story thickens and the public loves everything. It’s really a perfect Friends episode.


The one where no one is ready

Season 3, episode 2

“The one where nobody is ready” is the perfect example of an episode of Sitcom. It is easy for new fans to completely understand what is going on in the series, and return fans can sit and enjoy classic television. In this classic of all time, Ross tries to prepare all his friends to go to a paleontology gala in the next twenty minutes, but none seems ready. Chandler and Joey bicker on small things, Rachel cannot understand what to wear, Monica receives a call from her former lover and Phoebe pour out from Houmous.

The whole story of “The One where Where Pead” is contained on the borders of the apartment, which is a famous Trope on television called the episode of the bottle. Here, each line and moment is hilarious and exciting. Each character is at its best, the story has so much to unpack and the jokes are hilarious. “The one where nobody is ready” is one of the best episodes of Friends Never.

Poster of the TV series of friends


Release date

1994 – 2003


Marta Kauffman


David Crane, Marta Kauffman


David Crane, Marta Kauffman
