10 Bleach Characters Who Could Easily Defeat Jugram Haschwalth

Yhwach stands amid a cloud of smoke in battle

THE Bleach: Bloody Thousand Year War The anime’s battles intensify in the third courtyard, with the strongest warriors on both sides of the war rising to prominence as King Yhwach approaches his final goal. This includes the princely Sternritter B, Jugram Haschwalth, who has proven himself to be a real fighter. It stands to reason that he can slaughter low-rank Soul Reapers, but recently Jugram has proven that he can easily defeat fellow Sternritters like Bazz-B.

Jugram has a few weapons on hand, including his greatsword, The Balance, his shield, and even a weaker version of The Almighty. NOW Bleach fans are curious about which characters in the story could defeat Jugram’s vast power and humiliate him, assuming Jugram uses his own powers and doesn’t borrow from the Almighty. This won’t be an easy fight for anyone but ten of them BleachJugram’s best warriors could all take down Jugram if they are fast enough and show no mercy.


King Yhwach does not fear his right arm

First episode: “THE BLOOD WAR”

Yhwach stands amid a cloud of smoke in battle
Image from Studio Pierrot.

A few precious Bleach characters can even last a few minutes when fighting the King of Quincy himself, Yhwach. He possesses titanic spiritual energy, devastating offensive moves, and a nearly unbreakable Blut Vene, allowing him to crush most enemies with ease. In case that’s not enough, Yhwach can also call upon the Almighty to see all futures in a battle, then choose the one he wants and guarantee his own victory.

Jugram has immense respect for Yhwach and would not turn on him, but if Jugram did, Yhwach would quickly punish him in their fight. Jugram doesn’t have a real answer for The Almighty, although in all honesty it seems like he doesn’t. Bleach the character does it. In terms of raw combat power, Jugram would struggle against Yhwach even with the Almighty offline, and even The Balance wouldn’t help much.


Sōsuke Aizen’s illusions would definitely deceive Jugram

First episode: “14 Days Until Rukia’s Execution”

Supervillain Sosuke Aizen is an unfairly powerful antagonist, being a master swordsman with immense spiritual pressure who is also a master of kido and his shikai. Using the power of Kyoga Suigetsu, Sousuke can hypnotize the enemy by tricking their five senses, trapping them in a dreamlike state that will only end when Aizen wants it to.


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Bleach contains many powerful zanpakuto, but some with incredible potential, like Zangetsu and Senbonzakura, have been underutilized and unexplored.

Jugram Haschwalth’s powers pose a real threat to Aizen, but that won’t matter if Sosuke Aizen uses hypnosis to convince Jugram into a false reality. As soon as Jugram sees “Aizen” fall to him bleeding in battle, the real Aizen will break the illusion and cut Jugram in two, too late for The Balance or the Freund Schild to do much about it.


Senjumaru Shutara would have defeated Jugram without Uryu

First episode: “The Shooting Star Project (ZERO MIX)”

Senjumaru activating his Bankai against Yhwach's elite guard in Bleach: The Bloody Thousand Year War

If the captains of the Gotei 13 are all powerful, the five members of the Royal Guard unit are even more talented on the battlefield. Together, their power is greater than that of the entire Gotei 13, meaning they would each stand a good chance against Jugram Haschwalth in a fight to the death. One of them is Senjumaru Shutara, the master of cloth and the inventor of the Soul Reaper uniform.

Senjumaru almost defeated Jugram forever in the Bleach anime, and Jugram only escaped her terrible fate because Uryu Ishida used The Antithesis to turn Senjumaru’s bankai against her. Without Uryu’s intervention, Senjumaru would have certainly defeated Jugram and his allies, thus proving why it cost Senjumaru’s allies their lives to awaken such an overwhelming bankai.


Ichibe Hyosube would demolish Jugram with his ultimate move

First episode: “The Shooting Star Project (ZERO MIX)”

Ichibe utters a chant in Bleach Thousand Year Blood War

At the start of course 3 in the new Bleach anime, it wasn’t just Senjumaru Shutara who almost defeated Yhwach’s team. There was also Ichibe Hyosube, the monk who named all things. Ichibe can use his powers to rename anything or anyone and adjust their power levels, such as renaming Yhwach “Black Ant” to eliminate the latter’s power.

Yhwach escaped this power with the Almighty, but in the absence of this power, Jugram Haschwalth would be doomed when facing Ichibe. He would lose his name and all his power, then suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of Ichibe’s most devastating technique, a sinister move called Futen Taisatsuryo.


Ichigo Kurosaki has what it takes to defeat Sternritter B

First episode: “The Day I Became a Shinigami”

Protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki has come an incredibly long way since his early days hunting Hollows on the streets of Karakura Town. Now, he has fully accepted the truth about his half-other powers and his Quincy blood, allowing him to reforge his zanpakuto into the final Zangetsu, a fearsome weapon that can even threaten King Yhwach himself.


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If the Almighty is not in the picture, then Ichigo can push Yhwach to the brink and therefore could also defeat Jugram Haschwalth. The Balance and Freund Schild could help keep Jugram in the fight, but ultimately Jugram is no match for a shonen hero at the peak of his powers, and Sternritter B would go down in a duel of swords.


Ulquiorra Cifer’s regeneration would allow him to survive Jugram in a fight

First episode: “Prelude to the Apocalypse, the attack of the Arrancar”

Ulquiorra releases his Resurrecion Segunda Etapa against Ichigo in the Bleach anime
Image from Studio Pierrot

Even powerful Espadas would struggle against the most elite Sternritter, but there are a few notable exceptions, 4th Espada Ulquiorra Cifer being one of them. He already posed a serious threat to Ichigo in his freed form, but when Ulquiorra used his Segunda Etapa, he became an unstoppable demon with overwhelming power and the ability to regenerate his flesh, except for his internal organs.

Ulquiorra’s firepower, speed, and regeneration would allow him to put up a fight against Jugram Haschwalth, although it would still be difficult. He should avoid injuring his organs, but rather let his arms or legs take the blow and reform a few seconds later. Ulquiorra would likely finish the fight with a deadly Cero Oscuras, then blow a hole through the injured Jugram’s chest to finish it off.


Shigekuni Yamamoto could have burned Jugram, making him disappear

First episode: “Get it together!” The Gotei 13 »

Yhwach declared that only he, as the peerless king of Quincy, had the power to steal Yamamoto’s famous bankai, Zanka no Tachi. It can easily be implied that any other Sternritter would fall to Yamamoto’s power if they didn’t have the strength to steal him, and that includes Jugram Haschwalth. Zanka no Tachi would push The Balance and the Freund Schild to the limit and then beyond in a serious duel.

Jugram would fight against all four modes of Yamamoto’s bankai, with the Southern attack keeping Jugram’s hands busy with the charred remains of all the Quincy that had fallen to Zanka no Tachi. Finally, this bankai’s North Mode would vaporize Jugram down to his atoms, burning him so completely and brutally that no Schrift could save him.


Baraggan Louisenbairn’s senescence is hard to beat

First episode: “The Espada Gathering!” Aizen’s Royal Assembly »

Baraggan emerges from the smoke in his freed form

Former 2nd Espada, Baraggan Louisenbairn, is the other Arrancar who would have a realistic chance of defeating Jugram Haschwalth in a battle to the finish. Baraggan may not be faster or better at swordsmanship than Jugram, but that hardly matters when Baraggan has the almost infallible power of senescence on his side. He is surrounded by an aura that slows and rots anything that gets too close, without exception.


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The shinigami keep Soul Society safe, but who best represents the Gotei 13?

Whatever Jugram throws at Baraggan would quickly disappear, and most likely, even Jugram’s power of The Balance and Freund Schild would reach its natural end and cease to function. Meanwhile, Baraggan’s freed state would threaten to wipe out Jugram, and The Balance would only buy Jugram some time before he rotted to his bones.


Kenpachi Zaraki has brute strength on his side

First episode: “The Shadow of Gin Ichimaru”

Kenpachi Zaraki using his Shikai in Bleach TYBW
Image via Viz Media

Kenpachi Zaraki has won many difficult battles BleachThe story of is already, and if he could take out people like his own copy and Gremmy Thoumeaux, then he could also take on Sternritter B. Kenpachi not only has a new shikai at his side, but also durability, a unparalleled strength and will to overcome all difficulties. This seems like plot armor in an effort to make Kenpachi cool, and it would allow him to overcome any clashes with Jugram.

Kenpachi doesn’t need anything more or less than his shikai and his attitude against Sternritter B. Even though Jugram Haschwalth can use The Balance and his Freund Schild to redirect some of Kenpachi’s attacks towards him and hurt him, Kenpachi would undoubtedly clear a path through. and finally cut off Jugram’s head.


Gremmy Thoumeaux can imagine himself defeating Jugram Haschwalth

First episode: “THE LAST 9 DAYS”

Gremmy Thoumeaux taunts Kenpachi before their fight in Bleach: The Bloody Thousand Year War.
Image via Viz Media

It’s true that Sternritter V Gremmy Thoumeaux lost to Kenpachi Zaraki’s unbreakable will and tenacity, but the fact remains that his The Visionary makes him nearly unbeatable in combat. Gremmy is the one who can simply imagine reality in new forms, whether it’s conjuring things out of thin air, healing his body, or turning someone’s bones into cookies, among others.

Jugram might reflect some of that back at Gremmy with his own powers, but if Gremmy gets serious enough, he might find a clever way to get around Jugram’s defenses to tip the scales in his favor. Gremmy could even imagine that The Balance and Freund Schild didn’t work, and if it did work, then Jugram would lose to Sternritter V much faster.